To spread the group's culture

Hubs : Montcelard/Lyon (France) ; Shanghai (China) ; Salt Lake City (U.S.A.) ; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

internal training sessions in 2021

team trainings

individual trainings
External audience :
sessions organized in 2021

employees trained
Founded in 2014, Mérieux Université is the Group’s university:
A privileged space for innovation and collaboration, Mérieux Université aims to disseminate Institut Mérieux’s humanist and entrepreneurial culture throughout all entities and to strengthen the feeling of belonging to the Group.
To this end, the Mérieux Université designs and runs high value-added global training courses in Management and Leadership. It also offers individual and group coaching.
As an educational referent, Mérieux Université also strives to understand the changes in the businesses and environment of the Group’s companies, to anticipate the associated skills and to support the development of its employees.
Mérieux Université also looks to the outside world to support medical biology and industrial microbiology laboratories in developing their knowledge and professional skills. Whether in bacteriology, mycology-parasitology, biochemistry, endocrinology, clinical biology or antibiotic susceptibility testing, Mérieux Université offers nearly 80 training courses for biologists and laboratory technicians in Lyon and Paris, or in customized formats.
To design, develop and run these programs, Mérieux Université brings together a team of 20 people who are passionate about their mission. Four regional hubs host training sessions around the world: Montcelard/Lyon (France) – Shanghai (China) – Salt Lake City (USA) – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Increasingly, these courses are also offered remotely, in virtual classes.
Mérieux University’s headquarters are located in the west of Lyon, in the Montcelard domain, a place open to all. For more information on this location, visit: